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Desde 2021


United States

Acerca de nosotros

We are a Manufacturer and Exporter of High Quality Himalayan Rock Salt Products Our brand, Naz Salt, focuses solely on providing finest quality Himalayan Rock Salt Products to its customers. Being one of the leading manufacturers of Himalayan Rock Salt Products, buyers in search of a dependable Manufacturer & Supplier of Himalayan Rock Salt Products come to us. Whether you are an importer, wholesaler, retailer, or a brand, you can rely on us to bring you the best. With in-house crafting, cleansing, and packing capabilities, we maintain complete quality control over our products. Our belief that customer satisfaction is our priority and exceptional quality is a must is the main factor that has contributed to our continued success and growth.

Principales Mercados

  • África
  • Asia
  • Europa del Este
  • Oriente Medio
  • Norteamérica
  • América del Sur
  • Sudoeste de Asia

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2M - 10M

Volumen de ventas (USD)

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Año de fundación

Tipo de negocio
  • Fabricante
  • Distribuidor/Mayorista

Palabras clave
  • Sal lamiendo animales
  • sal del Himalaya para animales
  • sal animal
  • lamer animales
  • sal para el ganado
  • sal comestible del Himalaya
  • lámparas de sal del Himalaya
  • Ver Mais

Contacto y ubicación
  • icone de usuario Mian ********
  • icone de telefone +1 405********
  • map-marker NORMAN / OK | United States

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