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Battery, Chargers, Flashlight, power bank

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Acerca de nosotros

We are Camelion Battery Co.,ltd, a company founded in 1997and deciated in R&D, manufacturing and selling of batteries, power banks, flashlights and other power supplies. Camelion Battery Company, Ltd. coorporated with Westinghouse as a Licensing Partner ever since October 2014, and holds the worldwide license for manufacturing and distribution of battery and power products. Westinghouse Electric Corporation was founded in 1886 by George Westinghouse Jr. Ever since then Westinghouse Electric Corporation has been the driving force behind electrical engineering progress throughout the late 19th and 20th centuries.

Principales Mercados

  • África
  • Asia
  • Europa del Este
  • Oriente Medio
  • Norteamérica
  • Oceanía
  • América del Sur
  • Sudoeste de Asia
  • Europa Ocidental

Más sobre
Battery, Chargers, Flashlight, power bank

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50M - 100M

Volumen de ventas (USD)

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% de ventas de exportación



Año de fundación

Tipo de negocio
  • Fabricante

Palabras clave
  • 深圳市飞狮电池有限公司

Contacto y ubicación
  • icone de usuario Fiona ********
  • icone de telefone +86 75********
  • map-marker Shenzhen / Guangdong | China

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